Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol has many vital functions in the body and is a building block for vitamins and hormones. However, if certain cholesterol levels are excessively high, it can build up as plaque in the blood vessels. This blocking of the arteries can be detrimental to health. A balance is important here and should be maintained at all costs.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in our bodies in small globules. It is essential for many important functions. It is a precursor of various hormones and vitamin D, and forms an important component of cell membranes. Also, cholesterol allows nerve cells (neurons) to make contact, communicate and exchange electrical signals with each other.
The liver makes the amount of cholesterol that the body needs and the cholesterol is transported in the blood between the liver and the tissues. However, this system can get out of balance. Too much cholesterol is then produced or too little cholesterol is removed from the blood. A high blood cholesterol level, also known as hypercholesterolaemia, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and should be avoided. High cholesterol in your blood increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Since high cholesterol is asymptomatic, it is advised to have your cholesterol measured by the doctor.
Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) and High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL)
Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) and High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL) transport cholesterol in the blood between liver and tissues. HDL carries other forms of cholesterol that have been “used” (oxidised) by tissues back to the liver to be broken down and flushed out of the body. HDL is often referred to as the “good cholesterol”.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) transport cholesterol from the liver where it is secreted to the tissues in the rest of the body that need it. A dysfunction of the HDL metabolism and HDL deficiency can lead to an increased LDL metabolism. An accumulation of LDL in the blood causes accumulation of cholesterol in the arterial wall, leading to the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Therefore, LDL is often called the “bad” cholesterol.
Higher levels of the good HDL cholesterol are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. However, too much HDL is also not good. Therefore, it might be more important to remember that the HDL and LDL levels should be in balance. When the HDL and LDL ratio is correct, the cholesterol should not be able to build up in the arteries.
Why Lower Cholesterol?
If various pathological factors are present, cholesterol levels build up in the arteries. This process of plaque buildup is called atherosclerosis. Depending on its location, this can lead to:
- Coronary artery disease (CAD): Blocked blood flow to your heart, causing a heart attack.
- Peripheral artery disease (PAD): Blocked blood flow to your legs and arms.
- Carotid artery disease: Blocked blood flow to your brain, causing a stroke.
A thorough diagnosis that uncovers all causal factors is important in order to be able to plan treatment correctly. It is also essential to consider the causes of hypercholesterolemia and bring them into balance. Read more about hypercholesterolemia.
Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol
There are many natural ways to balance out the cholesterol transportation by lowering bad cholesterol and increasing the healthy HDL cholesterol ratio. In addition to optimising lifestyle, causal physical influences (such as inflammations) should also be treated in order to achieve a lasting reduction in cholesterol levels.
Measures to lower cholesterol include:
- Improving diet: foods high in unsaturated fat and also low in saturated fat increases the healthy HDL cholesterol. These include nuts, seeds, vegetable oil, oily fish or avocado
- Quitting smoking
- Moderate exercise in the fresh air
- Compensating for hidden deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and trace elements
- Uncovering and treating hidden metabolic diseases, for example HPU
- Identify and treat hidden infectious diseases
- Detect and treat hidden inflammations
- Minimise toxin exposure and detoxify the body
- Minimise stress
- Clarify internal stressors such as open blood-brain barrier and CMD
- Intestinal cleanse
- Blood cleansing that reduces cholesterol, for example with the help of INUSpheresis
Dr. med. Karsten Ostermann M.A.
All causal factors should be taken into account in order to lower cholesterol permanently. Therefore, prior diagnosis of an experienced doctor is essential for a correctly selected therapy.

Further information
The information listed contains relevant topics and serves to improve understanding.