Complementary Medicine
Complementary medicine, as a useful addition to conventional medicine, comprises a wide range of treatment methods that aim to promote the balance of body, mind and soul. This integrative approach views the individual as a holistic unit and integrates various forms of therapy to ensure comprehensive care. The diverse methods of complementary medicine include naturopathy, body therapy, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, phytotherapy, orthomolecular medicine, IHHT (interval hyperoxia-hypoxia therapy), individualized high-dose infusion therapy, inuspheresis (a type of blood purification), ozone therapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, yoga, relaxation techniques and many others.
By applying these different therapeutic approaches, the aim is not only to address the symptoms, but above all to understand and treat the underlying causes of diseases. Complementary medicine can provide positive support, particularly in the case of cancer, to promote the healing process and offset the side effects of conventional cancer therapies.
Complementary medicine places a strong focus on preventative measures and individually tailored treatment plans. It emphasizes lifestyle changes and a holistic approach to health. The various forms of therapy in complementary medicine are often used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach that takes into account the patient’s individual needs and preferences. Close collaboration between patients, doctors and therapists is crucial to ensure integrative and coordinated care.
Dana Hreus
Complementary medicine is an important addition to conventional medicine, which considers the patient as a whole and supports them on various levels.
Further information
Further information intended to give a better overview of the topic.