Increase Metabolism
Increasing metabolism can be a useful way of preventing a wide range of diseases. If the metabolism is reduced, many metabolic processes are slowed down and the body cannot reach its full potential.
However, caution is required when boosting the metabolism, as the body can be brought into an imbalance. An experienced therapist should ensure individual monitoring and supervision of the appropriate measures.
Signs that you should boost your metabolism
There are various signs and symptoms that indicate a slow metabolism. If you recognise some of these signs, it is likely that your metabolism is slow and should be boosted.
- Cold hands and feet
- Tendency to feel cold
- Tiredness
- Difficulty losing weight
- Sluggish digestion
Causes of a slow metabolism
The causes of a slow metabolism can vary greatly. There are often several causes that reinforce each other and block the metabolism.
Common causes of a slow metabolism:
Genetic predisposition
Genetic factors often play a significant role in metabolism. This should definitely be taken into account when boosting your metabolism.
A chronic exposure to toxins can impair various processes in the body, which can also affect the metabolism.
Immunological imbalances
The immune system and metabolism are closely linked and are subject to various reciprocal interactions. An immune disorder will inevitably also affect the metabolism.
Intestinal health
A diseased gut, e.g. leaky gut, SIBO or intestinal dysbiosis, will also affect the metabolism. Therefore, gut health should be monitored and optimised.
Hidden inflammation
Hidden inflammation, also called silent inflammation, increases the general tendency towards inflammation in the body, has a disruptive effect on the meridians and throws the immune system out of balance. Hidden inflammation can severely weaken the body over the years and also impair metabolism.
A cooling diet, low in healthy proteins and fats, cools the body and lowers metabolism. The necessary, high-quality vitamins, minerals and trace elements should be supplied in sufficient quantities.
Micronutrient deficiencies
Deficiencies in vital and micronutrients ensure that metabolic processes cannot run optimally and, as a result, the basal metabolic rate drops.
Stress puts the body into a mode to simply survive. This has the effect of slowing down the metabolism.
Lack of exercise
Exercise is necessary to speed up metabolism. The amount of exercise should be chosen individually to avoid exhaustion and lack of energy. Some people need less exercise and more sleep to be healthy.
Deep, regenerative sleep is essential for the body to function properly. Sleep disorders therefore also affect metabolism.
Ways to increase the metabolism
There are many ways to increase metabolism.
It is important that the body is not thrown out of balance and that the measures address the causes of the slow metabolism.
Ideally, the causes listed above should be examined individually and balanced out accordingly. The following measures can be effective and efficient:
- Detoxification, e.g. with the help of liver detoxification
- Strengthening the immune system
- Intestinal cleansing
- Treatment of hidden inflammation, e.g. jaw inflammation such as FDOJ/ NICO
- Adaptation of the diet
- Balancing micronutrient deficiencies through orthomolecular medicine or infusion therapies
- Stress management
- Daily exercise
- Elimination of sleep disorders
Increase metabolism with home remedies
Although home remedies can increase the metabolism in the short term, they do not address the causes and are therefore only symptomatic.
The most important home remedy to speed up the metabolism is warmth.
If you keep your body warm and make sure your hands and feet are warm, the metabolic enzymes will function unhindered. A body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius is optimal. If the body temperature drops slightly, the enzymes can no longer fulfil their function optimally and the metabolism slows down.
Warm foot baths, moderate exercise and warm clothing are some home remedies that everyone is able to make use of.
Gently massaging the feet, hands and ears stimulates the various meridians and can boost the metabolism. These techniques have proven effective in foot, hand and ear reflexology.
Various spices, such as chilli or ginger, can temporarily stimulate the metabolism, but should not be consumed in excess, as this can lead to a physical imbalance.
Activating drinks such as green teas or coffee boost the metabolism and provide a little more energy. However, long-term consumption can also have health consequences and should therefore be limited.
Med. pract. Dana Hreus M.A.
In order to speed up the metabolism, the individual causes should be identified and specifically adjusted. In this way, long-term optimisation can be achieved.
Further information
The information listed contains relevant topics and serves to improve understanding.