Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an important and often underestimated complete medical system used worldwide. Developed over 2000 years ago in China, TCM consists of medical practices that balance the vital force called ‘qi’, the quantum energy that exists in all living beings, in order to treat and prevent illnesses. TCM includes acupuncture, phytotherapy, moxibustion, cupping, massage (tui na), exercise (qi gong and tai chi) and dietary therapy. TCM has many applications, especially in the prevention and management of chronic diseases.
Tai Chi
Tai chi is a self-healing practice of deep relaxing, meditative movements that has many health benefits.
Qi Gong
Qi gong meditation is a self-healing practice that promotes good mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Chinese Body Clock
The Chinese Body Clock exhibits how the body’s vital energy (Qi) passed through the 12 organ systems.
If a diseased organ, e.g. an inflamed tooth, is located on the meridian, other connected organs can also be affected.
TCM is most effective when used in combination with western medicine, this synergy is called integrative medicine. An integrative medicine approach with integrative medical doctors who are trained in both medical systems can offer you the most safe and effective therapies for optimal health.
All Blog Categories
See all blog categories below.
- Allergies
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Bone and Joint Diseases
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Chronic Pain
- Dementia
- Detoxification
- Ear Diseases
- Exhaustion
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Immune Disorders
- Infectious Diseases
- Inflammation
- Intolerances
- Medication
- Men's Health
- Menopause
- Metabolic Disorders
- Minerals
- Neurological Diseases
- Nutritional Supplements
- Respiratory Diseases
- Skin Cancer
- Skin Diseases
- Thyroid Diseases
- Trace Elements
- Tumor
- Vitamins
- Women's Health