Boost Immune System

A balanced and resilient immune system plays a crucial role in the defence against diseases and the maintenance of health. For this, intestinal health is particularly important, as more than 80% of the immune system is located in the gut. However, addressing aspects such as toxins, micronutrient deficiencies and hidden inflammation are also of great importance to boost the immune system.

Lifestyle Changes to Boost the Immune System

In order to boost the immune system, you need to create the right conditions. A change in lifestyle is essential for this. The following lifestyle changes have proven to be effective for a strong immune system:

1. Healthy Diet

A balanced diet that is as natural, organic and uncontaminated as possible should be aimed for. This provides the body with all the important building blocks, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and antioxidants. In this way, the immune system can be ideally supported.

2. Sufficient Sleep

Regular and sufficient sleep is crucial for the immune system to recover. Adults should sleep about 7-9 hours per night, depending on the individual. Sleep disorders have a detrimental effect on the immune system.

3. Stress Management

Chronic stress can weaken the immune system. Relaxation exercises such as meditation, yoga or breathing techniques can help to reduce stress.

4. Regular Exercise

Moderate physical activity promotes blood circulation and helps detoxify the body. Daily walks in the fresh air, yoga and strength training are good options.

5. Sauna and Cold Exposure

Sauna and cold showers stimulate the cardiovascular system and support the immune defence. However, it is important not to overdo it. In particular, hypothermia should be avoided.

6. Do not Overcool

Physical enzymes require a temperature of 37 °C in order to function optimally. Keep warm so that your body temperature does not drop.

7. Probiotics

A healthy intestinal flora has a positive effect on the immune system. Probiotics, which can be found in fermented foods such as kombucha, kimchi and yoghurt or as food supplements, support intestinal health.

8. Vitamin D

This vitamin, or hormone, has many functions in the body and plays a particularly important role in the immune system. Adequate exposure to sunlight (without sunscreen) promotes the formation of vitamin D naturally. In the winter months, you can temporarily switch to nutritional supplements containing vitamin D3.

Professional Measures to Boost the Immune System

In order to strengthen the immune system, the first step is to identify the causes of a weakened immune system. This requires thorough, targeted diagnostics.

The following options to boost the immune system have proven effective:

1. Compensating hidden deficiencies in the body

Methods such as infusion therapy or orthomolecular therapy have proven effective for this purpose.

2. Optimisation of intestinal health

Intestinal health can be improved with the help of an intestinal cleanse, whereby colon hydrotherapy offers valuable support. This is very effective to treat intestinal diseases such as leaky gut or SIBO.

3. Eliminate hidden inflammations

Hidden inflammations, also called silent inflammations, can be found anywhere in the body. They are particularly common in the gut and jaw. Such jaw inflammations should be removed professionally by a biological and integrative dentist.

4. Detoxify the body

A body that is chronically burdened with toxins, such as heavy metals, can be detoxified by chelation therapy or INUSpheresis. Detoxification of the body is an important part of strengthening the immune system.

5. Relieving the immune system

Harmful immune complexes can circulate in the blood and permanently unbalance the immune system. With the help of INUSpheresis, such immune complexes can be filtered out.

6. Treating hidden infections

Hidden infections are a permanent burden on the immune system. Infections such as Lyme disease or EBV can be contained with the help of treatments such as hyperthermia, fever therapy or infusion therapy.

7. Eliminate hidden stressors

Some stressors cannot be eliminated at home through meditation or yoga. This requires treatment by specialists. Internal factors that put the body under permanent stress are various types of functional disorders, e.g. open blood-brain barrier or disorders of the chewing system (CMD).

8. Treating hidden intolerances

There may be various intolerances that need to be identified so that the immune system can work strongly and effectively. These include for example lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance or histamine intolerance.

Dr. med. Karsten Ostermann M.A.

It is important that the doctor identifies the causes of the immune disorder. Only when these causes are identified will the optimisation of the immune system be stable and enduring.

Dr. Karsten Ostermann

Further information

The information listed contains relevant topics and serves to improve understanding.