Gluten Intolerance

Gluten Intolerance, also known as Celiac Disease, is an autoimmune disorder where the consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, leads to damage to the lining of the small intestine. To be distinguished from this is the more common gluten sensitivity (known as NCGS, Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity), which has a less intense manifestation of symptoms.
Symptoms may include stomach pain, diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, headaches, weight loss, and skin problems. The development of gluten intolerance is influenced not only by genetic predisposition but also by environmental factors, especially heavy metals and pesticides (e.g., glyphosate).
Diagnosis and Treatment of Gluten Intolerance
Diagnosis of gluten intolerance is conducted through blood tests and small intestine biopsies. An effective treatment involves transitioning to a lifelong gluten-free diet to control symptoms and prevent damage to the small intestine. Maintaining a gluten-free diet requires careful scrutiny of all food additives and the strict avoidance of gluten-containing products.
There is now widespread availability of gluten-free products and restaurants as more people seek to reduce their gluten consumption. Nevertheless, a medically integrated approach, including nutritional counseling and appropriate detoxification measures such as detoxification of heavy metals, is essential to improve the quality of life for individuals with gluten intolerance.
Med. pract. Dana Hreus M.A.
Gluten intolerance can remain undetected for a long time and put a strain on the health of those affected. Correct diagnosis forms the basis for effective treatment.

Further information
The information listed contains relevant topics and serves to improve understanding.