Lactose Intolerance


Lactose intolerance refers to a digestive disorder involving lactose, a milk sugar found in dairy products. As a result, lactose is not adequately broken down in the digestive tract, leading to its accumulation in large quantities in the colon, where it can cause various symptoms.

Causes of Lactose Intolerance

Normally, lactose is broken down into the sugars glucose and galactose in the small intestine, which can then be absorbed into the bloodstream. In the absence of the enzyme lactase, this reaction cannot take place. Consequently, lactose accumulates in the intestine and passes undigested in the colon, where it undergoes further breakdown, causing typical symptoms such as bloating, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Secondary lactose intolerance can be caused by damage to the small intestine lining due to microbial overgrowth (also known as SIBO), environmental factors, infections, or food intolerances. Primary lactose intolerance is characterized by a congenital deficiency of the enzyme lactase.

Lactose Intolerance Test

Lactose intolerance can be diagnosed through a breath test. In this test, a lactose-containing solution is consumed, and breath samples are taken at different intervals. The solution can induce symptoms in case of intolerance. For primary lactose intolerance, a genetic blood test is conducted. Additionally, analyzing the gut microbiome through a stool sample can provide further insights into gut health.

Treatment of Lactose Intolerance

Before treatment, it is crucial to determine whether it is congenital (inherited) or acquired lactose intolerance.

For inherited lactose intolerance, the focus of treatment is on reducing dairy product consumption and administering lactase enzyme in the form of lactase capsules. Acquired lactose intolerance is based on a different cause, which should be thoroughly evaluated. Typically, the cause is found in the intestines, and an individually planned intestinal cleanse may be beneficial.

In a holistic medical approach, emphasis is placed on gut restoration in cases of lactose intolerance. A special lactose-free diet plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system and improving digestion, ensuring the body receives necessary nutrients. Additionally, detoxification methods targeting the elimination of toxic metals and reducing environmental toxins effectively support this holistic approach.

Med. pract. Dana Hreus M.A.

For a full therapy of lactose intolerance, the causes of the immune reaction should be evaluated. We will be happy to assist you.

Med. pract. Dana Hreus M.A.

Further information

The information listed contains relevant topics and serves to improve understanding.