Sleep Disorders during Menopause

Schlafstörungen in den Wechseljahren

During menopause, sleep disorders are often a challenge for many women. Hormonal changes, particularly the drop in progesterone and estrogen levels, can lead to various physical changes. Typically, women in the menopause experience symptoms such as hot flushes, weight gain and sleep disorders. Sleep disorders during the menopause also result in a shorter deep sleep phase and other health consequences.

Treating sleep disorders during menopause naturally

For sleep disorders during the menopause, conventional medicine often suggests hormonal therapy, known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which can sometimes have significant side effects. This therapy involves taking artificially produced hormone-like substances that are not identical to a woman’s natural hormones.
However, there are also natural approaches to managing symptoms and improving sleep during the menopause. Natural measures include:

Balancing Micronutrients
Sleep disorders during menopause are often linked to imbalances in micronutrients. These should be identified and individually adjusted accordingly. For example, minerals such as magnesium play an important role in promoting muscle relaxation and sleep quality.
The measures here are dietary adjustments, orthomolecular medicine and infusion therapies.

Hidden Metabolic Disorders
Hidden metabolic disorders, for example HPU, can cause or exacerbate sleep disorders during menopause. A precise diagnosis will help clarify this issue.

Hidden Inflammation
Hidden inflammation, also called silent inflammation, can throw the immune and hormonal systems out of balance. Hidden inflammation, such as leaky gut or jaw inflammation, are common stress factors.

Toxic Stress
Chronic exposure of the body to toxins can slow down important physical processes, which can also affect sleep. Read more in the article “Detoxification of the Body“.

Restoring Intestinal Health
Gut health is closely linked to various processes in the body. There is also a proven connection with hormones and sleep. Intestinal cleansing can restore intestinal health and help optimise sleep.

Sleep disorders can be effectively improved by taking melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. There are also methods to increase the production of melatonin or to slow the breakdown of melatonin.

Bioidentical Hormones
These are plant substances that are similar to human hormones and can therefore be an alternative to artificial hormones. Yam root and soy are often used in the production of bioidentical hormones. It is important to know that these plant-based substances are also chemically modified and are therefore not completely natural.

Dr. med. Karsten Ostermann M.A.

Sleep disorders during the menopause can cause the women affected to become increasingly unbalanced. An individual and cause-oriented diagnosis and treatment is recommended.

Dr. Karsten Ostermann

Further information

The information listed contains relevant topics and serves to improve understanding.