Hay Fever


Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis or pollen allergy, is an immune reaction of the nasal mucous membranes to certain pollens. It is the most common form of allergies. In hay fever, the allergic reaction occurs immediately after contact with the allergens and is therefore referred to as an immediate type. There are effective complementary medical measures that can provide effective help for hay fever, both in the short and long term.

Symptoms of Hay Fever

The most common symptom of hay fever is a runny or blocked nose. Itchy eyes, a scratchy throat or tiredness can also occur.

If there is contact with the triggering allergen (pollen), messenger substances such as histamine can be released, which lead to the symptoms mentioned above.

Treatment of Hay Fever

The conventional, symptomatic treatment is to reduce the histamine by taking an antihistamine. In addition, the body can be relieved with the right nutrients to support diamine oxidase, which breaks down histamine. Helpful micronutrients for hay fever include vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin C and vitamin D. Before administration, an individual diagnosis of micronutrient deficiencies is recommended in order to avoid imbalances and effectively replenish necessary vital substances.

The gut plays a central role in therapy, so optimal gut health should be achieved. Intestinal disorders such as leaky gut, SIBO, histamine intolerance or intestinal flora dysbiosis can trigger or exacerbate hay fever. An individually adapted intestinal cleanse can address the cause and lead to an improvement in hay fever.

In addition, hidden inflammation in the body (silent inflammation) can unbalance the immune system and cause immune disorders. Such chronic inflammations, for example jaw inflammation, NICO / FDOJ, inflammation of the teeth, should be identified and eliminated.

Toxic exposure to heavy metals causes many bodily functions to become unbalanced and should also be clarified. Removing heavy metals can be beneficial for people with hay fever.

Home Remedies for Hay Fever

Naturopathic home remedies can help to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. Here are some approaches that many people find helpful:

Local applications:

  • Nasal rinses: regularly rinse your nasal cavities with an isotonic saline solution to remove pollen from your nose.
  • Eye rinses: eye rinses with boiled, cooled water can provide relief for red and itchy eyes.

Nutrition and dietary supplements:

  • Quercetin: this natural substance, which is found in apples, onions and black tea leaves, can have anti-allergic properties.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: from fish oil, algae oil, linseed oil or camelina oil. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and thus alleviate symptoms.
  • Black cumin: shows good anti-inflammatory properties. One to two tablespoons a day can provide relief from hay fever.


  • Eucalyptus oil: some people find relief by inhaling eucalyptus oil vapors.

Boosting the immune system:

  • Vitamin C: a balanced diet combined with the additional intake of vitamin C can have a supportive effect on pollen allergies. The dosage should be individually adjusted by a doctor and monitored regularly.
  • Vitamin D: vitamin D can be taken as a home remedy. Here too, it is advisable to have your individual vitamin D level checked beforehand.
  • It is important to note that not all home remedies work the same for everyone. Some people find relief through a combination of different approaches. Before using naturopathic remedies, it is advisable to speak to an experienced therapist.

Dr. med. Karsten Ostermann M.A.

Hay fever is a widespread problem nowadays. Long-term improvement is possible if the causative factors are identified and treated appropriately.

Dr. Karsten Ostermann

Further information

The information listed contains relevant topics and serves to improve understanding.