Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer, also known as renal cell carcinoma, is a serious disease of the kidneys in which malignant cells grow in the epithelium of the nephrons (small filtering units).

This type of cancer often remains asymptomatic in the early stages, which makes early detection difficult. Typical signs may be blood in the urine or pain in the kidney area (flank pain).

Diagnosis and Treatment of Kidney Cancer

Diagnosis is based on imaging, such as CT or sonography, blood tests, urine tests or biopsies of the tissue.

In most cases, surgical removal of the tumor is the preferred treatment. If the kidney cancer cannot be removed surgically (irresectability), immunotherapy is considered.

Methods from complementary medicine and naturopathy can improve the prognosis of kidney cancer and provide valuable support in the healing process. For example, fever therapy and hyperthermia are useful for treating kidney cancer.

Early detection is crucial to ensure the best chance of cure.

Prognosis for Kidney Cancer

The prognosis has improved significantly thanks to the development and use of imaging techniques for early detection.

Lifestyle factors such as a balanced diet, sufficient exercise and abstaining from smoking play an important supporting role.

Additional measures from biological medicine, naturopathy and orthomolecular medicine can improve the prognosis for kidney cancer and reduce undesirable side effects.

Dr. med. Karsten Ostermann M.A.

An integrative, interdisciplinary therapeutic approach can provide additional support during recovery from kidney cancer. We are here for you.

Dr. Karsten Ostermann

Further information

The information listed contains relevant topics and serves to improve understanding.